Congratulations! You’ve made the decision to have your home built or renovated. But if you haven’t gone through this process before, finding the right home builder can be intimidating and downright confusing. After all, you don’t want to put your home project in the hands of just anyone, do you? Botched home improvements can ruin your house and your bank account. Here are 5 red flags to watch out for when hiring a custom home builder in North Vancouver.
No insurance and license
Begin with the basics. If a home builder isn’t properly insured, close the door. Before they even pick up a hammer, ask to see proof of insurance. Without the proper coverage, you could be on the hook for damages and work-related injuries. If a contractor can’t produce the appropriate paperwork, keep searching.
No credentials
Any builder can talk a big game and promise the moon. But without the credentials to back up their claims, all that boasting can fall flat, fast. Keep your eyes peeled for memberships in legitimate organizations, including the Canadian Home Builders Association (CHBA) and the Homebuilders Association Vancouver (HAVAN).
No references
Nothing gives a client the warm fuzzies like a long list of references to check out. Custom builders just love to showcase their work, freely offering up past clients to contact and homes for you to visit. If a prospective contractor doesn’t have online reviews or testimonials, that’s a huge warning bell you’ll need to listen to. Can’t find any customer feedback? Move on.
No connection to your community
North Vancouver has its own one-of-a-kind landscape and community. You need a custom home builder to understand its unique slopes, soils, and streamside development. The right builder will also have a first-hand knowledge of the municipalities’ permit and inspection process—and the people who live there. When you want the very best in custom home builder services, think local.
No eco-friendly builder standards
Today’s homes are more environmentally friendly. After all, cutting down on our carbon footprint now can go a long way to preserving our natural resources for future generations. Do you really want to hire a builder that has little to no regard for the planet?
Choosing a custom home builder that cares about the environment ensures your projects are built with renewable resources, sustainable materials, and energy efficient practices.
Noticed any of these red flags? Well, you’ve been warned. If any of these warning signs pop up on your quest to find a custom home builder in North Vancouver, walk away. Finding the right company may take a little time and research, but you, your wallet, and your home will be glad you did.